How to Grow Your Business with VAs

Virtual Assistant Services

In Virtual Assistant by Michelle L. Myers

Virtual Assistant Services: Why and are They Worth it?

Virtual assistant services are the new go-to for any business owner looking to save time and money. The research is clear: virtual assistants offer a cost-effective way to manage projects, be more productive during your workday, and better serve your clients. And if you’re not convinced yet, then here’s what else you should know about working with one of these professionals.

Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual Assistant Services

Why You Should Hire a Virtual Assistant

The services you can expect from a virtual assistant vary widely, as they are each able to provide unique skill sets and experience. For example, some assistants may not be for hire for tasks that require serious legal knowledge or certification; however, there is still plenty of work that you can assign to them with the greatest degree of success (such as email campaigns and social media management).

Virtual assistants are not employees of your company, but they are directly contracted out to you. This means that you’ll be able to enjoy the cost savings without having to worry about additional HR or payroll responsibilities.

What’s more is virtual assistants don’t expect to work 9-5, so you can simply assign tasks when it suits you best. For example, if there are days where things are slow at your company and you’d prefer to wait until the afternoon to take care of business matters, then a virtual assistant works seamlessly into that routine.

Also, worth noting here is that virtual assistants are incredibly proficient with time management. You won’t have to fret over whether they’re staying past 5 o’clock because they know how to prioritize and budget their time.

Additionally, virtual assistants are open to sharing the load with separate clients (although you’ll want to make sure that it is okay with them beforehand). For example, if a client asks for a follow-up email after a phone conversation, it’s typically too quick of a turn around to send from an in-house employee or even another virtual assistant.

But since your VA understands how interchangeable they are, they can absolutely take care of those post-call emails for you so that your team isn’t overworked.

How to Grow Your Business with VAs

How to Grow Your Business with VAs

Are They Worth it?

So how do you know if hiring an assistant makes sense? Here’s what research shows most business owners should consider before taking the leap.

Research has shown time and again that working with a virtual assistant (VA) will save you up to 40% on costs! You just need to be able to provide specific tasks, which can be easily delegated over the web. Virtual assistance is great for small businesses who don’t need (and can’t afford) their own in-house staff. It’s like adding an extra set of hands to help with your most needed projects, without having to hire someone full-time or manage another full-time employee.

It’s easy to see why more and more business owners are choosing to work with virtual assistants! They save time, money, and allow you to make the most out of every minute you spend working toward your goals. Virtual assistant services are here – they’re affordable, accessible, and eager to assist! Why not give it a try? You’ll wonder why you didn’t consider it sooner.

Virtual assistants offer services that allow small businesses to be more productive and efficient while saving on costs. As opposed to hiring employees who have specific job functions only, virtual assistants can provide the same result while being swapped out for one another when needed. This means you can simply assign tasks when it’s convenient or beneficial for you, and even work after hours without interacting with an employee. The best part? Virtual assistants are adeptly skilled at managing their own time so you can be confident that they’ll complete each assignment effectively within the allotted time frame. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of virtual assistant services.

If you’re looking for more reasons why to hire a VA, check out this video!

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