Value of Virtual Assistants

In Blog by Michelle L. Myers

Value of Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants are on the rise, so much so that many businesses use them in their companies. Virtual Assistants can do a variety of tasks for you, such as data entry or scheduling meetings. Businesses have found that hiring a VA has increased their productivity because they don’t have to worry about any day-to-day task that might not be necessary for their position.

 Virtual Assistants also provide flexibility for people who cannot work from 9 am-5 pm due to other commitments outside of work. This is beneficial because it allows more people to find employment without having to change what time they go into the office every day.

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a good choice for your business if you value flexibility and constant productivity, but don’t want to worry about the day-to-day tasks that bog down your company. Instead of hiring an employee or freelancer to complete these small tasks, why not utilize technology to ensure that your time is never wasted?

Virtual Assistants can help businesses with anything from scheduling meetings and sending emails, to data entry and research on potential clients. By freeing up your time, a VA can help you focus on what’s most important so you become more productive as a whole.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant vs In-House Assistance – Which Should You Choose?

The decision between hiring a Virtual Assistant or someone in-house is never an easy one. Although there are many benefits to hiring a VA, you’ll need to consider how it will affect your company and which tasks would be more beneficial if performed by a real person.

 One of the most common benefits that are often brought up when it comes to hiring a VA is flexibility. Employees can now work from home as little as one day per week without having to worry about childcare due to increased availability. This allows workers who want this type of flexibility but might not qualify for FMLA leave the opportunity to receive it without asking for too much from their employer. It’s also worth noting that 71% of those who telecommute do so on a part-time basis, while only 7% do so full-time. This promotes a healthier work-life balance that can benefit employees and employers alike. 

The next factor to consider is the amount of money you’ll have to pay your VA. While hiring someone in-house might cost more initially, there are always benefits when it comes to paying for employee overtime. For example, if you were to hire a VA who was able to successfully accomplish tasks equivalent to 10 hours of work every week, you would have to pay them twice as much if they worked 40 hours per week at minimum wage ($7/hr), or $15/hr if you wanted them to work full-time (40 hr/wk). If these figures still seem somewhat low to you, consider this: it’s estimated that hiring an employee will cost 1.5-2x more than outsourcing the job to a VA.

While there are many benefits to hiring a VA or freelancer, especially if your business requires flexibility, you might want to reevaluate how much work they are able to do for you before deciding whether or not switching employees is what suits your company best. Each decision should be carefully weighed so that your business can prosper as much as possible without becoming too overburdened with tasks and costs

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