Pink Callers Enjoyed Their Time at ResponsiCon

In Blog by Michelle L. Myers

Posting this in the midst of our stay at home order, we sure can’t wait to see all of our friends again very soon!

Conferences are a great way to get motivated, learn new skills, and even find vendors to help you at the administrative level.

ResponsiCon was one of those conferences where you get to practice what you learned. Curt Kempton, owner of ResponsiBid and Symphosize, created this conference to bring field service business owners together to learn about business and marketing.

The Benefits of Conferences

Conferences provide a way to get away from it all and learn. While it’s not a vacation, you can still unwind, especially if a conference provides after-hours entertainment, such as a movie, a comedy act, or happy hour.

ResponsiCon was held in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona, where there was ample sunshine, blue skies, and warm weather. Quite a change from the Northeastern U.S., where it was cold.

The conference ran from Thursday, January 30, 2020 through Saturday, February 1, 2020.

Conferences provide a valuable time of applying what you learned. For example, ResponsiCon had hacker groups where attendees could break up into smaller groups to discuss and execute what they heard from the speakers.

And conferences provide a time of networking. You meet new people who may be in the same field service you’re in. You can ask questions, talk about different challenges, and learn together with your colleagues. ResponsiCon encourages networking through shared times together, such as at mealtimes and in hacker groups.

Learn more: Do you know the one question that will change your business?

Doug Myers of Pink Callers Shares His Experience at ResponsiCon 2020

According to ResponsiCon’s video, there were three takeaways or goals for the conference:

  1. Inspiration
  2. Collaboration
  3. Execution.

How will Pink Callers incorporate those three takeaways in their business? 

Doug Myers, co-owner of Pink Callers, says,

“We did experience these takeaways. Watching fellow owners sharing ideas, working together to take it from an idea to a plan of action, and then helping each other implement that into their business, was amazing to witness.”

“This allowed us to find like-minded business owners that we could collaborate with and then immediately put those ideas into practices with the business,” Doug continues.

Pink Callers also were vendors at ResponsiCon as well as speakers at the conference. Doug states that the conference was a huge success for meeting sales prospects as well as speaking to the audience during one of the sessions.

Doug and Michelle, his wife and partner at Pink Callers, spoke about “What is the Difference Between Our Services (Pink Callers) and Virtual Assistants?”

“We had a wonderful response from the audience,” says Doug. “We even had some of our clients that were in attendance speak out at the ending Q&A session, sharing how we’ve helped them and their companies grow.”

Learn more: 5 Communication Tips for the Service Business.

As vendors, Doug and Michelle got to meet new folks and talk to them about services that Pink Callers provides as well as the many benefits the company brings to field service companies. 

There were some skeptics, but Doug and Michelle were able to answer their questions and convert them into new Pink Callers customers.

“We did have a table and display, and spent each day talking to owners and sharing how our services can help,” Doug explains. 

“The enjoyable part is seeing a person approach with that skeptical look in their eye, but then leave later with a completely new understanding of how our services can help change their business,” he says.

Doug shares how those skeptics kept coming back to the display table to ask more questions about Pink Callers’ services and its benefits.

“Many of those same people returned multiple times throughout the conference to ask questions that came to mind and to get more information. They get excited knowing that there was a service like ours that can help them grow,” Doug explains.

The Takeaways That Doug and Michelle Took With Them After ResponsiCon 

Doug and Michelle participated in the hacker groups and found these sessions to be the highlight for each of them. Each hacker session was limited to five people per group, so everyone had a chance to share their ideas and feedback.

Doug appreciated that each small group had time to share an idea, a concept, or ask a question. Then, fellow business owners would share their experiences and wisdom, which was an invaluable experience for Doug. 

Read more: Exceeding Customer Expectations in the Digital Age.

Doug said that his and Michelle’s takeaways were

  1. You’re never alone in your (business) journey
  2. There is always someone to help you on this journey.

Doug states that the biggest takeaway from ResponsiCon was, “owning a business doesn’t have to consume your life.” 

“That family time, time with friends and relaxation are just as important in your journey. Everyone struggles, but who we surround ourselves with will help determine how you overcome those struggles and achieve your goals,” he continues.

Doug and Michelle have incorporated the most significant takeaway to their life and their business. 

“We have scheduled and implemented more family time into our daily schedule now. Also, we’ve connected with other owners, making time available to them to contact us as a resource for help.”

Why You, as a Field Service Business Owner, Need ResponsiCon

Doug and Michelle recommend ResponsiCon to their customers and other field service business owners. Doug says that the tools and community that you’re exposed to will inspire you to take your company to the next level.

“By increasing the exposure to a group of like-minded business owners who can help you grow, using tools and resources that can help you, will change your business,” says Doug.

ResponsiCon says it’s the ultimate selling conference for service companies. Doug agrees.

“Because it takes an incredible tool like ResponsiBid and combines it with some of the greatest business minds working today, to give you a pathway to success in business.

“It’s like buying the best ‘tool’ from the store, and then having hundreds of the best teachers showing you how to use that tool,” says Doug.

Doug and Michelle use ResponsiBid at Pink Callers. They’re currently implementing it into their website to allow customers to have a clear understanding of Pink Callers services and to create a custom price for their clients’ needs.

Putting People First

Doug shares that Curt Kempton, owner of ResponsiBid, is the driving force behind this team. Doug calls Curt, “A true leader who loves people first and business second. Hearing and seeing business owners say, ‘I love you’ to each other at a business conference isn’t the norm.”

“But Curt and his team approach business from a better angle—people first!” Doug states.

Next year’s ResponsiCon will be held from January 28–30, 2021. You can reserve your seat at ResponsiCon’s website.

Why Your Landscaping or Field Service Company Needs Pink Callers in Your Toolbox

Pink Callers’ mission is, “We believe that customer service rock star positions provide a unique work-at-home opportunity. Matching team members remotely to field service businesses solves a problem on both sides of the relationship.”

“Team members work in their homes, and field service businesses are offered vetted, trained, and connected to team members for their businesses. We take great pride in providing at-home work opportunities for our North American-based team.”

Pink Callers has relationships with different software programs that you may already be using. Currently, Pink Callers integrates with the following software programs:

  • Service Autopilot
  • SingleOps
  • Jobber
  • Housecall Pro
  • Service Monster
  • Fieldpulse
  • Pipedrive
  • Zenmaid.

Pink Callers works with one-person small businesses up to businesses with multiple teams out on the field. We provide administrative assistance for the following field services:

  • Landscape companies
  • Fencing contractors
  • Roofers
  • General contractors
  • Plumbers
  • Lawn care companies
  • Janitorial companies
  • Carpet cleaners
  • Residential cleaners
  • HVAC
  • Tree care companies
  • Commercial cleaners
  • Pool service companies
  • Painting companies
  • Pest control companies.

If you need a team member who works remotely and handles your office administrative duties, then you need Pink Callers. Call us today at 888-325-7465, text us at 540-908-2353, or book a meeting with us. 

Source:, “5 Reasons to Attend Live Small Business Conferences.”