Get Scheduling Right and Your Maid Service Business Will Soar!

In Blog by Michelle L. Myers

A key to success for a maid service business comes down to the right approach to scheduling. Optimizing that business function keeps revenue flowing and makes for a satisfied team.
Amar Ghose, CEO, ZenMaid, has worked with many maid service business owners, and has found that mastering the schedule is often the secret to business success.

Get Client Service Scheduling Right

Every maid service needs a way to manage the schedule. This can range from pen and paper to an online calendar to use of a customized tool like ZenMaid. The scheduling system need to be the primary tool of the person who handles customer calls and emails, whether that is the owner, a team member or a dedicated service like Pink Callers.
“Every business owner needs to solve these two important pieces in order to be successful. Who will handle the inquiries and how to effectively schedule customers?” Ghose says,
The best solution should be efficient and save time internally. For customers, the process should be smooth from start to finish. The goal is to quickly get the information needed to determine the scope of a job and to get that scheduled in a way that satisfies the customer and makes optimal use of company resources.

Recurring Scheduling Needs Attention

While many service businesses have recurring service schedules, maid services have unique challenges. A commitment to a client impacts the schedule for many months. The tasking of day, time and team needs to work into the foreseeable future.
The person tasked with the schedule needs to have a solid understanding of what works best for both the team and the customer. That avoids a lot of rescheduling and shuffling that can leave everyone frustrated.

Smooth Schedule Makes for a Happy Team

Maid service businesses experience a higher turnover that most other types of service business. Getting scheduling and customer service operations working smoothly helps create an environment where people want to remain.
Outdated systems that make people go to an office to see a paper schedule or that involve a team member spending hours to text out schedules are not efficient and can lead to frustration, Ghose says.
Using a more modern approach like the ZenMaid-Pink Callers combination creates a professional and streamlined work environment that makes doing a good job easier for the team. They can check their calendar on their phone. They know customers are being treated well. That creates a great work environment where people want to stay.

ZenMaid and Pink Callers Team for Your Ideal Solution

ZenMaid is custom-designed for the maid service businesses. It is a complete system that can save you time managing your scheduling and other daily tasks. Pink Callers provides remote customer service rockstars who are committed to providing outstanding customer service. Pair these together and you ensure that every inquiry is handled in a way that makes your business shine and your schedule run smoothly.

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